Now we have come to the third and last section of Time Management.

In this section we are going to dive a bit deeper into different areas that we can improve, and also do a quick summary of section 1 and section 2 to get a more complete understanding of time management from a philosophical point of view… enjoy.

So, what have we learnt so far?

We have learnt that we are wasting a lot of time.

More exactly – we spend:

  • 7.8 years watching TV
  • 5.4 years using social media
  • Real socializing meaning face to face – only 1.3 years
  • Eating and drinking 3,5 years
  • Doing laundry 6 months

To put it into perspective I can give you some fun facts what you can do with 5.4 years – you can:

  • Walk your dog 93 000 times
  • Walk the great wall of china 3.5 times, or
  • Go to the moon and back 32 times 

We have also learnt five different steps to manage time;

  • Step 1 Be where you are – Learn to actually be in the present moment.

  • Step 2 Learn to Prioritize – It's not about having time, it's about making time.

  • Step 3 Establish routines – And stick to them as much as possible.

  • Step 4 Your time is your capital – Don’t let anyone steal your time.

  • Step 5 Put in on paper – Writing down your goals increases the possibilities for success.

So, with that in mind we are ready to dive in to section 3.

Don't major in minor things.

Don’t major in minor things means we are often wasting our time on rather unnecessary things. We are thinking and doing too much that doesn't give us any real results. Instead of focusing on which furniture you want to buy, focus on how I can afford the apartment. The Furniture is the minor thing, while the apartment is the major thing – to have a place to be and a roof over your head is what really counts. Defining what´s major and minor in your life is key for successful time management.

Another example: you and your partner are fighting, and it is a minor problem, let's say that somebody forgot to pick up something at the supermarket. That is not a serious problem, right? It is a minor problem so don't waste the energy at being angry and arguing for something that is rather unnecessary to fight about. Don’t make small stuff big stuff, just see it as it is – if it is small just leave it small.

Use your major time on major things that is actually making a difference in your and others life. It is all about being in the present, when you are talking to a customer – be there. When you’re with your family – be there. That is major time. Minor time is all the details around the important things but keep minor things minor, and major things major.

Don't mistake movement for achievement.

Is it easy to get faked out by this and kidding yourself that you are busy. The question is doing what? If the only thing you have done is making circles, you haven't done anything constructive or productive. You have just been drifting around and faking yourself that you have done good today. With that mindset no wonder you are stuck at the same level, and you will be at the same level if you don't call your bluff. To be able to call that bluff it requires a level of self-respect, to be true with your actions and words. To be truthful is painful, but necessary if you want to be mindful.

Learn to say no, don't let your mouth overload your back.

It is easy to say yes to everything when you are trying to be nice and help somebody out, but be careful if you are struggling to carry your own load. Don’t take on more by saying yes. When you know yourself, you will also know your limits. Sure, limits can be raised but for what cost? Your health? Your job? Your family? Think again. Fix yourself first, then you can give that person a call and say now I’m available, so how can I help? Learning to prioritize and having you major and minors in place will guide towards the right answer.

Asking questions up front can save you a lot of time.

If you are not asking, you are guessing. Example, boy likes girl, girl likes boy, very cutie. We are often playing this game that is called let's guess what this person is thinking. What if she doesn't like me… or what if he has a girlfriend … what if ... what if … what if ... Instead of endless guessing and wondering, just ask that person. Just grab the phone or meet with that person upfront and ask them. Simply by asking you can save a ton of time.

Grand finale!

Time management is a balance of ups and downs, days and nights, rain and sunshine, right or wrong, sad or happy, rich or poor, fulfilled or depressed. Time Management is really Life Management. To master your time is to master your life, and that is a skill, not a talent. Talent it is something we are born with, but skill is something you must learn and practices day in and day out. Repetition is the mother of all skills. Time is precious, so are you! What is your life ticking for?