Now I can proudly present you the Inspiration lecture “Become your hero” in STOCKHOLM on the 4 of december at Scandic Continental Vasagatan 22. The lecture is about creating a life with meaning and passion, about rising from adversities and weaknesses, and about growing into the person you can proudly call your best friend. I will show you during the lecture that everything is about you having to believe that you can - even if no one else believes in you. We all owe it to ourselves a life of pride, respect and happiness. Do not overestimate your weaknesses, do not underestimate your strength. Become your hero, become your best friend! Book your tickets at See you there !!!
Hej Mitt namn är Gabriel Lindström och jag vill presentera del 2 av "Become your hero" i Eskilstuna. Vi kommer att fokusera på gift och rädslor i vardagen. Jag vill väcka en tanke inom er om hur ni fungerar som individer och få er att börja reflektera över era styrkor och svagheter. Världen behöver starka individer som är en hjälte för sig själv och för andra. Därför vill jag ägna kvällen åt att stärka erat självförtroende och visa er hur ni kan bli den hjälten. Om ni finner detta intressant så är ni varmt välkomna att kontakta mig.
My vision is to create a world with driven individuals who can be hero for themselves and others. If you find my vision and plan for this world exciting, you are more than welcome to support me on this adventure. Kind regards Gabriel Music from: rossbugden
Varmt välkomna till Personal Discoverys inspirations kväll Become your hero! Det är dags för årets första inspirationskväll med mig, Gabriel Lindström, i Eskilstuna den 25e April. Meningen med denna inspirationskväll är att jag vill lyfta fram hjälten inom dig. Vi kommer att fokusera på temat självinsikt, jag vill väcka en tanke inom er om hur ni fungerar som individer och få er att börja reflektera över era styrkor och svagheter. Världen behöver starka individer som är en hjälte för sig själv och för andra. Därför vill jag ägna kvällen åt att stärka erat självförtroende och visa er hur ni kan bli den hjälten. Det jag vill att ni ska få med er från kvällen är att man aldrig ska underskatta ens styrka och aldrig överskatta ens svaghet.
My namne is Gabriel Lindstrom. My vision is to create a world with driven healthy individuals who can be hero for themselves and others. Time management effect everyone and it is a very good skill to have, if you are in sales or run your own business or if you are parent. To master time is to win more of everything in your life. To focus less on the stuff that doesn't give you happiness and fulfilment is are huge step towards time mastery. If you find my vision and plan for this world exciting, you are more than welcome to support me on this adventure.
My namne is Gabriel Lindstrom. My vision is to create a world with driven healthy individuals who can be hero for themselves and others. Time management effect everyone and it is a very good skill to have, if you are in sales or run your own business or if you are parent. To master time is to win more of everything in your life. To focus less on the stuff that doesn't give you happiness and fulfilment is are huge step towards time mastery. If you find my vision and plan for this world exciting, you are more than welcome to support me on this adventure. Kind regards Gabriel Music: By Ross Bugden
My namne is Gabriel lindstrom. My vision is to create a world with driven healthy individuals who can be hero for themselves and others. Time management effect everyone and it is a very good skill to have, if you are in sales or run your own business or if you are parent. To master time is to win more of everything in your life. To focus less on the stuff that doesn't give you happiness and fulfilment is are huge step towards time mastery. If you find my vision and plan for this world exciting, you are more than welcome to support me on this adventure. Kind regards Gabriel Music: By Ross Bugden
My namne is Gabriel lindstrom. My vision is to create a world with driven healthy individuals who can be hero for themselves and others. Time management effect everyone and it is a very good skill to have, if you are in sales or run your own business or if you are parent. To master time is to win more of everything in your life. To focus less on the stuff that doesn't give you happiness and fulfilment is are huge step towards time mastery. If you find my vision and plan for this world exciting, you are more than welcome to support me on this adventure. Kind regards Gabriel Music: By Ross Bugden
Min vision med Hero Academy är att skapa hjältar på arbetsplatsen. Jag vill skapa en arbetsplats där man ställer upp för varandra, där man ser människan bakom siffrorna, där man som medarbetare får uppskattning. Arbetsplatsen ska vara en plats att vara stolt över. Det ska kännas som ens andra familj.
My vision with Hero Academy is to create heroes in the workplace. I want to create a workplace where supporting each other is a must, where you see the person behind the numbers, where you are appreciated for your job. The workplace should be a place to be proud of. It should feel like ones second family.