

Föreläsning: Become your hero: Zero to hero

Varmt välkomna till Personal Discoverys inspirations kväll Become your hero! Det är dags ännu en inspirationskväll med mig, Gabriel Lindström, i Eskilstuna den 8e december. Meningen med kvällen är att jag vill …

Victor or victim – why it matters

Life is a battle.  A battle with bad habits, a battle for freedom, a battle for our physical and mental health. A battle against our moral nature, a battle of our fears and our self-destructive …

The importance of risk taking

Taking risk is to do the things that scares you, but you still do it. The question is why? To take risk, you need to have courage, courage to fight a proper enemy that matches your strength or above. Proper …
Blogg - Personligt ledarskap - Next chapter

Next chapter ….

Change, in business and life, can be chaotic. While change may be a natural occurrence, accepting it is not, which is why we humans are creatures of habits and enjoy personal security. But when chaos takes place, we …
Blogg om personligt ledarskap och personlig utveckling

Discomfort = Growth

Personal evolution only happens when there is pressure. The only way to grow, is with pressure and stress. What makes you comfortable can ruin you what makes you uncomfortable is the only way to grow. At this …
Gabriel Lindström skriver om personligt ledarskap och hälsosam kost för kropp och själ

The Super Berry Aronia

Aronia The aronia berries grow on small-grown shrubs and originate from North America. The berries have long been grown in Eastern Europe where it has long been used as a medicinal plant for its trusted beneficial …